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The Pink Starburst Conspiracy Theory

This year I ever-so-carefully prioritized my stash of Halloween candy such that trick-or-treaters received candy in the order of my least to most favorite, leaving me with a plentiful supply of leftover Candy That I Actually Enjoy Eating. The downside of that...

Pink Starbursts

Gary Gulman crane-kicks my face with comedy.

It's official. Gary Gulman. I love him. Last night I was listening to The Karate Kid soundtrack on Spotify, or trying to, when one of the tracks from Gulman's latest album No Can Defend--which happened to include a bunch of Karate Kid jokes--popped into my stream...

What if Daniel lost the All Valley Tournament?

This week's "What if...?" assignment from The League might be the most self-indulgent, fanboyish one yet--because honestly, what do fanboys love more than sitting around imagining alternate realities for their most beloved fandoms? In case you haven't noticed...

I’m Going the ‘Distance’, I’m Going for Speed…

...I'm going to need more money. I just recently found out about this Kickstarter project for Distance, a futuristic "survival" racing game that's being made by friends of a friend...of a friend. Yeah. Something like that. You know what? The relationship is not...

These Nintendo Roombas can vacuum my floor anytime.

I've wanted a Roomba ever since I saw one of those YouTube videos of cats riding around on them, not to mention the fact that I'm lazy, but now I have a new, much cooler reason: httpv:// For SUPER iam8bit, a group art exhibition featuring over 100...

8bit + 80s = ‘The Hit Squad’ Official Teaser

Back in April I wrote about The Hit Squad, an upcoming animated comedy film I helped crowdfund on Indiegogo. Created by The Super Pixel Brothers duo of Chris Blundell and Jordan Fuller, The Hit Squad will be the world's first feature-length 8bit film. Oh and did I...