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The 31 DVDs of Halloween [Complete List]

Well folks, Halloween is here and my 31 DVDs of Halloween countdown has come to an end. I thought it would be a good idea to compile a master list of all the DVDs I featured for easy reference because, you know, I'm considerate like that and stuff. It was grueling...

Halloween [31 DVDs of Halloween]

John Carpenter's Halloween is the definitive horror movie of Halloween. I thought it fitting that I end my countdown with this classic slasher flick. A few posts back I gushed about Rob Zombie's interpretation, but there's no substitute for the 1978 original. This...

‘The Exorcist’ Recut as a Cheesy 80s Sitcom

Yeah, I know I'm like five days late with this and you may have seen it elsewhere by now, but it's too good not to share--especially now that Hurricane Sandy is behind me, my power has finally been restored, and I'm feeling grateful to have survived it. It would...

The Exorcist [31 DVDs of Halloween]

Let's see... What can I say about The Exorcist that hasn't been said countless times before? Most people I know consider it the scariest movie of all time. See? It says so right there on the cover: Due to what I can only guess was an extreme oversight in parental...

The Exorcist

Bram Stoker’s Dracula [31 DVDs of Halloween]

I don't know if I can call Bram Stoker's Dracula my absolute favorite vampire movie, but it's up there for sure, and certainly my favorite Dracula movie. I remember seeing this when it first came out in 1992. I was twelve. My parents rented this from Video Tonight...

Bram Stoker's Dracula

The Craft [31 DVDs of Halloween]

The Craft came out back in 1996, during my freshman year of high school. It is very much a product of its time--mid-90s, post-grunge, teen horror with a soundtrack to match; a style template for all the weird girls (hi!) to latch onto and feel like we fit in...

The Craft

Defeat does not exist in this dojo.

But every now and then I have days like today, when my karate's no good here (or anywhere). For reals, it was THE WORST. I'm not feeling very in the Halloween spirit tonight so I'm skipping this evening's countdown post. I'll try to make it up tomorrow or...

Disney’s Halloween Treat [31 DVDs of Halloween]

Disney's Halloween Treat, for those of you who remember it, was a Halloween compilation special that originally aired on The Wonderful World of Disney back in 1982. It features spooky clips from animated Disney shorts and films, and is hosted by a talking pumpkin...

The Witches [31 DVDs of Halloween]

A good rule of thumb for movies and TV specials seems to be: if it was traumatizing to watch as a child, it makes for great Halloween viewing. Jim Henson's The Witches is a prime example. (See also: The Worst Witch, Witch's Night Out, and Lady in White.) There's a...

The Witches (1990)

Speaking of The Great Pumpkin…

...I want to thank my personal Great Pumpkin for sending this awesome box of Halloween goodies my way: I have two things I want to say to you: I know who you are. The candy corn was a dead giveaway. You did good, kid. My eyes lit up when I saw all those mummies!...