Stuff I’ve Written
Which of your favorite 80s movies & TV shows will Hollywood (probably) ruin next?
Answer: all of them. Remakes, reboots, and...
‘Roseanne’ Gets a Roast, a Reunion and a New Show We Might Never See
I watched a lot of sitcoms growing up in the...
Give me one more chance, Lord Skeletor, and we will succeed.
Today's links are not in a giving vein this...
If there is one movie that deserves an awesome reboot, it is ‘Masters of the Universe.’
However, this won't be that awesome reboot....
I don’t NEED this ridiculously cute Toaster USB Hub, but I want it so bad!
I mean, just look at it. This USB Toaster Hub...
Relive Your 80s TV Childhood with ‘Saturday Morning RPG’
You can't travel back in time to those...
A toad, madam? Perhaps it is you who are the toad…
Did today's links NOT instruct that Box 5 was...