Playstation Move or Xbox Kinect?
I’ve yet to jump on the motion control bandwagon, neither having the money nor the interest level to justify purchasing yet another video game peripheral at the time they were released. It didn’t help matters that both of them hit stores right before the holidays, and I had already set my sights on other things I actually needed (LOL adult responsibilities!). Plus, I wasn’t too impressed with the lineup of launch titles, which mostly seemed to be aimed at the Wii market.
I’m not one to rush out and buy expensive things without careful planning and research (unless I like, really, really want something and can’t control myself…which I admit happens every now and then). So as usual, I took the “wait and see” approach for both Move and Kinect, figuring I’d just wait ’till the hype died down and the reviews from real gamers started rolling in before making a decision.
Now that a few months have gone by and I’ve had time to make a list of the games I plan to buy this year, I’m wondering if I should be including Move or Kinect (or both!) games on my list as well.
I’d really like to hear from actual Move and Kinect owners. Bonus points if you own both systems and can make an honest recommendation; fanboys need not apply. If the answer is “they’re both great, and you should buy both,” well that’s something I’d like to know, too.
[polldaddy poll=”4559093″]