As the site says on its homepage, Etsy is the place to buy and sell all things handmade. Here is a showcase of some of the coolest geeky gamer jewelry I’ve found there, and the awesome sellers who make it:
Pixelated goodness from an aptly-named seller, Pixel Party offers charm bracelets, cufflinks, earrings, and more in the classic 8-bit style of your favorite video games.
The Gamer Gear Store sells unique-looking hand-sculpted pieces from “all school” video games, as well as other great geeky gear inspired by vintage comics and movies.
The Clay Collection sells super cute miniature polymer clay versions of your favorite video game accessories, hardware, and characters.
For those who want to wear their D20s instead of just rolling ’em, Candy Corn Studios sells beautiful, wearable art made with the real thing.
I really heart the jewelry that Omegazoid sells. Simple plastic beads emulate that 8-bit pixel look perfectly.
The two ladies behind Charlie Carter Creations sell awesome clay jewelry based on video games, and other geeky stuff like Futurama, Muppets, and childhood toys.
Know of any other great Etsy sellers, or do you make and sell geeky/gamer jewelery too? Leave me a link to your store in the comments and I’ll add it to my list!