by shezcrafti | Feb 25, 2013 | Toys & Collectibles |
When my buddy Shawn from Branded in the 80s told me he was sending a couple of TMNT comic books my way, that’s all I expected–a couple of TMNT comic books. I didn’t expect a giant box full of extra goodies and TMNT stuff in addition to the comics,...
by shezcrafti | Feb 21, 2013 | 4 the Lulz, Stuff I Watch |
From Variety: After pushing production to do more work on the script, Paramount’s “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” reboot looks back on track as the studio has tapped Megan Fox to star as April O’Neil. %CODE666% Enjoy the show....
by shezcrafti | Feb 14, 2013 | Gaming, Hearted ♥ |
Note to readers: re-publishing this list from last year! :) It’s Valentine’s Day! And what more could you want than YET ANOTHER list about video game couples? I know you’re excited. Don’t try to hide it. I realize there’s no shortage of...
by shezcrafti | Feb 13, 2013 | Toys & Collectibles |
Not to keep turning this blog into “Hey! Look at my Ninja Turtles stuff!” but I thought some of you might want a closer look at the sweet Nick Turtles watch I scored last weekend at Toys R’ Us. I only went there to buy a TMNT iPhone case, I swear it,...
by shezcrafti | Feb 13, 2013 | Om Nom Nom! |
Who’s responsible around here? Why wasn’t I told? The most important development of my cookie-consuming life since Cookie Crisp cereal and I didn’t know about it until six months later!? I could have been eating Cinnamon Roll Cookies THIS WHOLE TIME....