by shezcrafti | Dec 5, 2012 | Gaming |
This surfaced on YouTube today, and as a huge fan of the original Streets of Rage games (especially the music) for Sega Genesis, my 90’s nostalgia was instantly kicked into high gear. Apparently this clip is from a pre-alpha version of a next gen Streets of Rage...
by shezcrafti | Dec 5, 2012 | Gaming |
Happy Ninja Day! If I were a real ninja you’d be dead before you finished reading this sentence, but alas, I am not, so I have to settle for pretending to be one in video games. I’d probably be a pretty fail ninja anyway, what with my being a fat...
by shezcrafti | Dec 4, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, What I'm Listening To |
I’m honored to have been a guest on the always awesome Nerd Lunch Podcast, especially for Episode #64 where we observed and celebrated that which is the most beloved and important day of the holiday season, NINJA DAY. In this Ninja-tastic episode of Nerd Lunch,...
by shezcrafti | Dec 3, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, What I'm Listening To |
The cat’s sort of already out of the bag about this, but a few posts ago I hinted at my involvement in a new podcast project, and now I can officially announce it: I, along with hosts Paxton Holley of Cavalcade of Awesome and Shawn Robare of Branded in the 80s,...
by shezcrafti | Dec 2, 2012 | Stuff I Watch |
It’s a well-established fact that the Star Wars Holiday Special is the worst TV Christmas special of all time, so I didn’t bother including it in this month’s poll. The poll does include, however, a few of my personal favorites deserving of...