by shezcrafti | Nov 26, 2012 | Gaming |
I mean really, who doesn’t want more cowbell? Oh, look, NOBODY. Coming next month to iPhones and iPads everywhere, Cowbell Hero is the mobile gaming time-waster nobody asked for but everyone will play because we’ve all got a fever…you know the rest....
by shezcrafti | Nov 26, 2012 | Toys & Collectibles |
Ordinarily I’m no LEGO Maniac, but between LEGO Lord of the Rings and the news that we’ll be getting LEGO Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sets next year, I’ve been going crazy for this stuff. Not crazy enough to actually buy any fancy high-end LEGO...
by shezcrafti | Nov 24, 2012 | Shopping Adventures |
As I was saying in my last post, yesterday I was dragged out into the Black Friday madness by my sister. Shopping definitely qualifies as one of my least favorite activities, let alone shopping on one of the busiest days of the year when there’s a real...
by shezcrafti | Nov 24, 2012 | Shopping Adventures, Things I Read |
I didn’t really make a deliberate effort to go out shopping on Black Friday, but was dragged out of my cave by my older sister and sometime in the afternoon we wound up at my local Target. I figured while I was there I might as well try to make the most of it,...
by shezcrafti | Nov 24, 2012 | Art & Design, What I'm Listening To |
So there’s this awesome guy named Josh who has this awesome Tumblr, Music History in GIFs, filled with his awesome animated pixel art that celebrates music’s most awesome moments in history. I know, I’m using the world “awesome” a lot,...