by shezcrafti | Nov 2, 2012 | Gaming |
After backing over 10 successful Kickstarters this year–two of which were north of $200–I made a deal with myself that I wouldn’t back any more projects in 2012, lest I die alone and penniless on the streets with nothing but a collection of...
by shezcrafti | Nov 1, 2012 | Gaming, Tech |
If “Sissy’s Magical Ponycorn Adventure” sounds like a game that was created by a five year old girl, that’s because it is. Well, her Dad helped too. Ryan Henson Creighton and his daughter Cassie developed a charming little Flash-based game you...
by shezcrafti | Nov 1, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, What I'm Listening To |
Between my crappy week (well month, really), Hurricane Sandy, and Halloween, I totally dropped the ball on posting this. A few weeks ago I was a guest on the inaugural episode of Saturday Morning Central, a great new podcast from Tommy Day; he’s a blogging...
by shezcrafti | Nov 1, 2012 | General Geekdom, News & Links |
Okay, you got me. This was all just an elaborate excuse to (poorly) Photoshop Mickey hats on Luke and Yoda. I’m sure you’ve heard The Big Nerd News by now, so I won’t bother wasting your time with my own musings about Disney’s acquisition of...
by shezcrafti | Nov 1, 2012 | 4 the Lulz, Art & Design |
For those of you who don’t know the difference between Ice Cube and Ice-T, the Jumbo Activity & Rap Coloring Book is here to make learning fun. And shit. It’s a Tumblr created by Bun B–the rapper who introduced the word “trill” to my...