by shezcrafti | Jun 30, 2013 | Stuff I Watch |
Hey, look at me doing a League post! As some of you know, life just keeps throwing me curve balls covered in dog shit carrying communicable diseases that have kept me from blogging and being social (okay, I admit some of my time away was for gaming, too), but after...
by shezcrafti | Jun 26, 2013 | Om Nom Nom! |
Regular readers should already know I’m a huge fan of Nickelodeon’s new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles show (and Ninja Turtles in general), but something you might not know is that I also love to cook! Though I’ve never had the motivation to start a...
by shezcrafti | Jun 20, 2013 | Gaming |
Am I proud of the fact I spent 20-some hours playing The Last of Us since last Friday night? No. Am I proud of the fact I consumed approximately 14 Fig Newtons, 23 Diet Pepsis, an entire box of Special K popcorn chips, at least half a box of wine (yes, a box), and 2.5...
by shezcrafti | Jun 12, 2013 | General Geekdom, Toys & Collectibles |
Well, I guess that’s one way to get me back in the swing of blogging… Send me cool surprise gifts in the mail and I’ll have no choice but to write a thank-you post! That’s what Dex of AEIOU and Sometimes Why did, anyway. Well played, Dex. It...
by shezcrafti | May 24, 2013 | 4 the Lulz, Toys & Collectibles |
That’s my burning question for The League this week, which asks “why?” No, really, WHY? Profound, I know. I was willing to let this whole pooping pets thing slide when I thought there was only one of these dolls–specifically, the one with the...