by shezcrafti | Apr 20, 2013 | Toys & Collectibles |
Rabid TMNT fangirlism + childhood memories + tax refund =buying all four of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cuddle Pillows (or “Pillow Buddies”, depending on which store you buy them from). There was really never any question that I would end up...
by shezcrafti | Apr 20, 2013 | Stuff I Watch |
This week The League is all about first impressions. Though I’m certain this won’t be a popular choice, my mind immediately went to a movie that has one of the best opening monologues in cinematic history: httpv:// My...
by shezcrafti | Apr 20, 2013 | Tech, The Time Warp |
The first story I ever wrote was about a purple penguin named Flippy who was different from all the other penguins because he was purple, you see. Look, I was five, what do you want from me? I did it on this typewriter: This is an Underwood Rhythm Touch De Luxe model...
by shezcrafti | Apr 15, 2013 | The Time Warp, Toys & Collectibles |
I recently dug up this photo from one of my family’s albums. Why on earth they had a picture of my bedroom on a random day in 1989, I don’t know, but I’m glad it exists if only so I can re-live the magic of getting splinters from my unfinished pine...
by shezcrafti | Apr 15, 2013 | The Time Warp, Toys & Collectibles |
This past weekend I went spelunking for priceless childhood artifacts over at my parents’ house and didn’t come away disappointed. Between their attic, basement and crawlspace I was able to find a number of items I probably haven’t laid eyes on in...