by shezcrafti | Feb 16, 2011 | Gaming |
Have you seen the new trailer for Dead Island, the upcoming survival horror/zombie FPS? It is truly a thing of beauty. Naturally, comparisons to LOST and The Walking Dead are already being drawn. Is it gimmicky (and also a tad unoriginal)? Perhaps. But there’s...
by shezcrafti | Feb 15, 2011 | Gaming |
Playstation Move or Xbox Kinect? I’ve yet to jump on the motion control bandwagon, neither having the money nor the interest level to justify purchasing yet another video game peripheral at the time they were released. It didn’t help matters that both of...
by shezcrafti | Feb 15, 2011 | Gaming, Shopping Adventures |
Some years just plain suck for video games; when there’s hardly any interesting new titles to look forward to, and the hype surrounding big releases turns out to be more exciting than the actual game. 2011 is not going to be one of those years . At the beginning...
by shezcrafti | Feb 14, 2011 | Gaming, Shopping Adventures |
From the “Why Hasn’t Anybody Thought of this Before?” department… Typing on video game consoles is usually a huge pain in the ass. Circboard is a new on-screen keyboard concept that wants to make your life easier. Typically, on-screen...
by shezcrafti | Jan 21, 2011 | Gaming, Reviews & Opinion, Things I Read |
And now for something completely different… If you consider yourself a gamer in any capacity, you have probably not gone through life without someone telling you, at some point, that video games are waste of time, or you have no life, and other insulting...
by shezcrafti | Nov 29, 2010 | Gaming, Stuff I Watch |
From Bedrooms to Billions is a new documentary by independent filmmakers Anthony and Nicola Caulfield (Nightfall Films) about the humble beginnings of video games, and how passionate gamers have transformed them into a billion dollar industry. Here’s the trailer...