by shezcrafti | Nov 24, 2010 | Gaming |
Every year, besides the excuse to feast myself into a turkey coma, I look forward to Thanksgiving because of the four glorious days off I get to devote to gaming. Here’s what’s on my gaming agenda this year: World of Warcraft (“Cataclysm Lite”)...
by shezcrafti | Nov 21, 2010 | Gaming, Stuff I Watch |
YouTube might be one of the last places you expect to see an interactive adventure game, but some very clever and creative people have made it possible by exploiting YouTube’s annotations feature. The annotations are pop-ups that provide the viewer with a choice...
by shezcrafti | Nov 16, 2010 | Gaming, Reviews & Opinion |
For gamers who have been anticipating the release of this game for over seven years (practically an eternity in game development), Gray Matter will inevitably polarize us into two groups: Those who will criticize it for not being perfect despite “all that extra...
by shezcrafti | Nov 11, 2010 | Gaming, Reviews & Opinion |
Gray Matter is finally here! (Well, sort of.) It’s the adventure game fans of Jane Jensen, the game designer behind the beloved Gabriel Knight series, have been waiting a looooong time for (since 1993, to be exact). Though the official U.S. release won’t...
by shezcrafti | Jun 9, 2010 | Gaming |
Ever hear this familiar warning as a kid? “You’ve been playing too many video games!” I’m beginning to think my Mom had a point (although in her case, she was probably referring to my regular habit of neglecting chores in favor of more quality...
by shezcrafti | Apr 5, 2010 | Gaming, Reviews & Opinion |
Every so often, a game comes along that changes the way I feel about video games. Heavy Rain is one of them. It’s been a long time since I’ve played a game that has absorbed me as completely as this one did. I suppose I should preface this review by...