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Rock Band 2: The Perfect Game?

Okay, I know Rock Band 2 has been out for a few months, but after getting it for Christmas and being completely consumed by it ever since, I feel more than a little compelled to declare my love for it. My previous Rock Band experience had been limited to a one-night...

My Gamer’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2009

In 2009, I resolve to: Quit buying into the industry hype leading up to huge game launches. So far it has continually lead to disappointment. Give more love to my old game systems. I have a closet full of old consoles and games that probably miss me. I hope to find...

Awesome RPG Intros

It wasn’t so long ago that RPGs were simple affairs involving a few different-colored pixels with a sword roaming over an endlessly similar landscape fighting other different-colored pixels to mind-numbingly repetitive music (I’m looking at you, Dragon...