by shezcrafti | Jul 10, 2012 | Tech, The Time Warp |
I stumbled upon this great vintage Radio Shack ad the other day for the Tandy 2000, which I wanted to share because it was the first computer my family ever owned and my introduction to the magic of microprocessing. The “simply incredible” part must be...
by shezcrafti | Jul 5, 2012 | 4 the Lulz, The Time Warp |
And more importantly, why can’t I stop watching it? httpv:// I can’t tell if I hate this or subconsciously love it. I’m really digging that groovy baseline except for when those little bastards start singing and...
by shezcrafti | Jul 5, 2012 | Gaming, The Time Warp |
I know awesome when I see it. And when I look at Hotline Miami I see awesome. It’s a violent, 16-bit retro-arcade homage to 80s action movies developed by Jonatan Söderström (Dennation), who describes it like this: Step into the neon-soaked underground of 1980s...
by shezcrafti | Jul 4, 2012 | The Time Warp, What I'm Listening To |
Michael Jackson and E.T. are two of the biggest pop culture icons of the 1980s, so it makes sense that this exists: Little-known fact: the above photo was shot in Michael Jackson’s bedroom. But somehow I made it through childhood without ever having known about...
by shezcrafti | Jul 4, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
If you ever watched Fraggle Rock as a kid, you should remember The Doozers–those cute little green guys who wear construction helmets and love to work. They sang songs about working hard, being productive, and built elaborate structures made of radish dust all...
by shezcrafti | Jul 3, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
Andy Griffith passed away today. He was 86. As a child of the 80’s, The Andy Griffith Show was way before my time but its influence on my upbringing is no less present. I was raised on a well-rounded television diet that included Andy Griffith, along with other...