by shezcrafti | Jun 7, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
PBS, to whom most of us owe our fondest childhood TV memories, is working to produce a series of videos described as “PBS Icons Remixed.” Fittingly, PBS has kicked off the series with Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, for which they tapped John D. Boswell...
by shezcrafti | Jun 7, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
Yesterday I took a big step forward for my nerdy little corner of the web here–I joined The League of Extraordinary Bloggers. You could call them the Super Friends of pop culture bloggers. This week’s assignment (my first!) was to come up with a Top 10...
by shezcrafti | Jun 5, 2012 | The Time Warp, Things I Read |
How do you like that acid wash denim background, by the way? I’m pretty sure I had a few pairs of jeans just like that around the time I would have been an avid reader of these three, nerdstalgically cool magazines from my childhood: Sega Visions Magazine There...
by shezcrafti | May 30, 2012 | Gaming, The Time Warp |
Okay, show of hands: who remembers the NES game Anticipation from 1988? According to its box art (which features a stock photography caliber gathering of clean-cut, fine-feathered white people sporting their late ’80s finest) Anticipation was...
by shezcrafti | May 30, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
SF Weekly posted this excellent observation piece yesterday that 1982 was was one of the greatest years for sci-fi films. Looking at the list of major sci-fi films from that year, I’d have to say I agree: The Sword and the Sorcerer (April 23) Conan the Barbarian...
by shezcrafti | May 26, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
This is what Star Wars would be like if it was performed by your favorite cartoon characters: httpv:// The clip is from the Emerald City Comic Con where some of the greatest, well-known voice actors came together to deliver a reading...