by shezcrafti | Apr 23, 2012 | The Time Warp |
Like so many child starlets and b-list celebs before her, Molly Ringwald has joined Twitter. You might remember her from The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, For Keeps, Fresh Horses–all required viewing for children of the ’80s. Or perhaps...
by shezcrafti | Apr 19, 2012 | Shezcrafti Updates, The Time Warp |
I was going through a box of junk in my closet earlier tonight in search of something completely unrelated (Chinese therapy balls–don’t ask) when I discovered a thick stack of drawings that I apparently did in middle school, because they’re dated...
by shezcrafti | Apr 17, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
Somehow it completely escaped my attention that a few months ago Disney started releasing many of their older, lesser-known films on DVD as part of the Disney Generations Collection. For Disney fans, the Generations collection is a treasure trove of rare or otherwise...
by shezcrafti | Apr 4, 2012 | General Geekdom, The Time Warp |
Last week I was randomly browsing #TMNT on Twitter (I think it was sometime during the the Bayliens backlash) when I stumbled upon this guy. His name is Wes and he has a cute TMNT blog where he draws a new Ninja Turtle picture every day. Well, almost every day. He...
by shezcrafti | Mar 22, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
You’ve most likely heard by now that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are about to become the Teenage ALIEN Ninja Turtles in the upcoming 2013 film produced by Michael Bay. In a video quote that has gotten TMNT fans’ collective panties in a bunch to the...
by shezcrafti | Mar 17, 2012 | The Time Warp, Things I Read |
Going through stuff in my basement, I discovered a box full of old crap I’ve been holding onto for one reason or another. Found a few gems in there, like this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles postcard booklet from 1990. I don’t recall if it’s something I...