by shezcrafti | Aug 7, 2011 | Gaming, The Time Warp |
Over the weekend, my boyfriend was at his parent’s house digging through some boxes of old junk in the basement when he unearthed something that could practically be considered an archaeological discovery by gamer’s standards: the original Power Glove...
by shezcrafti | Aug 6, 2011 | Hearted ♥, The Time Warp |
For everyone who ever grew up watching Saved by the Bell, indie filmmakers The Fine Brothers have created this kick-ass “Choose Your Own Adventure”-style YouTube game chronicling a day in the life of Zack Morris as he goes on a quest to date his...
by shezcrafti | Nov 9, 2010 | General Geekdom, The Time Warp |
The other day I stumbled upon a site that archives those wonderful old Read-Along adventure books and makes them available for download. It made me nostalgic for other toys I remember fondly from childhood, and I went on somewhat of a quest to see how many virtual...
by shezcrafti | Nov 9, 2010 | The Time Warp, Things I Read |
Being a kid in the 1980s was awesome. We had Transformers, Garbage Pail Kids and Simon, among a plethora of other not very educational toys. (Well, I suppose you could argue that Simon was educational…to some degree.) If our toys were educational, there was...
by shezcrafti | Apr 28, 2009 | News & Links, Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
In geeky movie news this month that makes me feel like a fifth-grader again, TMNT co-creater Peter Laird confirmed in Variety rumors of another live-action Turtles movie planned for 2011. The announcement comes on the heels of TMNT’s 25th anniversary...