by shezcrafti | Aug 1, 2012 | Art & Design, The Time Warp |
Ever notice how obnoxiously happy the kids and families they show on toy boxes are? Like playing with that toy is the greatest goddamn thing that’s ever happened in their lives, no matter how shitty the toy is? Very rarely are such embarrassing displays of...
by shezcrafti | Jul 26, 2012 | Stuff I Watch, The Time Warp |
Another awesome, nostalgic collaboration from PBS and John D. Boswell (aka melodysheep) the artist who gave us that weirdly cool Mr. Rogers remix, “Garden of Your Mind” I showed you last month. This time Bob Ross gets remixed....
by shezcrafti | Jul 21, 2012 | 4 the Lulz, The Time Warp |
If you grew up in the early 90s, you need to watch this. Now. Some awesome guy on YouTube “took the damn Delorian, turned on the fuckin’ flux capacitor, and traveled back in time to 1991.” Watch this hilarious clip as he walks you through a bedroom...
by shezcrafti | Jul 12, 2012 | Gaming, The Time Warp |
The other day I was reminiscing about my first computer, and I got to thinking about all the old software and games I used to have for it. One of the earliest computer games I can remember playing (note: not earliest console games—that’s a post about Atari that...
by shezcrafti | Jul 11, 2012 | 4 the Lulz, The Time Warp |
Sometimes you find things on the internet that are so insanely cool. This is not one of those things. httpv:// It comes from a 1984 direct-to-VHS special hosted by Rick Dees called “Dazzle Dancin” that makes...
by shezcrafti | Jul 10, 2012 | Gaming, The Time Warp |
Admit it—you either were or wanted to be this kid in the ’80s: That’s why you’ll be able to relate to these #oldgamers tweets, a hashtag started by Tony Ferrol from The GameFreak Blog. Here’s a round-up of some of the best responses, and one of...