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As the site says on its homepage, Etsy is the place to buy and sell all things handmade. Here is a showcase of some of the coolest geeky gamer jewelry I’ve found there, and the awesome sellers who make it:


Pixelated goodness from an aptly-named seller, Pixel Party offers charm bracelets, cufflinks, earrings, and more in the classic 8-bit style of your favorite video games.

hyrule-hero-cufflinks pac-man-love-bracelet tetris-cufflinks


The Gamer Gear Store sells unique-looking hand-sculpted pieces from “all school” video games, as well as other great geeky gear inspired by vintage comics and movies.

wario-necklace gears-of-war-skull-necklace xbox-360-pink-controller-necklace


The Clay Collection sells super cute miniature polymer clay versions of your favorite video game accessories, hardware, and characters.

portal-companion-cube-cufflinks bob-omb-cufflinks nintendo-light-gun-earrings


For those who want to wear their D20s instead of just rolling ’em, Candy Corn Studios sells beautiful, wearable art made with the real thing.

d20-jade-necklace d20-clear-earringsd10-green-earrings


I really heart the jewelry that Omegazoid sells. Simple plastic beads emulate that 8-bit pixel look perfectly.

zelda-heart-meter-pin 1up-mushroom-pin boo-ghost-pin


The two ladies behind Charlie Carter Creations sell awesome clay jewelry based on video games, and other geeky stuff like Futurama, Muppets, and childhood toys.

mario-charm-bracelet bullet-bill-earrings pac-man-earrings

Know of any other great Etsy sellers, or do you make and sell geeky/gamer jewelery too? Leave me a link to your store in the comments and I’ll add it to my list!