In her latest video update for KickStarter, adventure game designer Jane Jensen dropped a huge bombshell on her fans:
Her new community-supported game studio, Pinkerton Road (which recently achieved a $300K fundraising goal on KickStarter to produce its first game Moebius) will be producing a second game this year, code-named “Mystery Game X.”
Rumors are flying among fans of Jensen’s Gabriel Knight series of games that Mystery Game X = Gabriel Knight 4, a much-anticipated and long-awaited sequel.
Of the announcement, Jensen said, “I’m really not trying to be coy or eek out the suspense. I would love to tell you what this game is. But, this deal is so new and really we want to wait until we have some fantastic assets to go along with the announcement of this game. So it’s not going to happen before the end of our [KickStarter] campaign on May 18th.”
But Jane did give us a few other hints to go on. Here’s what we know so far about Mystery Game X:
- It will be a 3rd person adventure game
- It’s a “dark mystery” of the type you’d normally associate with Jane Jensen works
- Jane says “You’re going to be excited about it.”
- It will be cooler than “Mystery Game Y” (Haha!)
Sounds like a Gabriel Knight game to me! Actually, it sounds like any of Jane’s games, but I’m thrilled with this news even if the announcement doesn’t turn out to be about Gabriel Knight 4. Why? Because Jane Jensen makes some seriously kick-ass games, that’s why.
For supporters of the Pinkerton Road KickStarter who pledged at the $50 and up level, this news means that you will be getting not one but TWO Jane Jensen games this year! If you’re a fan of Jane Jensen’s games (or adventure games in general) who is still on the fence about pitching in to her KickStarter, this latest announcement should give you all the reason you need.