Hey, remember Kingdom of Loathing–the simplistic but fun (and funny as hell) free online RPG-that-makes-fun-of-other-RPGs drawn with stick figures?
Well it’s creators have started up a new project on KickStarter called Word Realms, a massively multiplayer online RPG that’s also a word game. Sounds crazy, right? You’ll do battle by making words out of letter titles–think League of Legends meets Words with Friends except with the kind of silly, self-referential geek humor KOL is known for.
You’ll probably also be interested to know that the game will feature puzzles, mini-games, expansive storylines, multiple endings, plenty of Easter Eggs, and awesome music by Gminor7 (of MC Frontalot nerdcore fame).
Though the game has been in development for four years, its creators have turned to KickStarter as a final fundraising push to finalize its production and transform it into an MMO. They’re hoping to raise $100,000–a modest sum compared to most games on KickStarter–to make Word Realms a reality. Pitching in just $11 will earn you a copy of the game.
Hard to believe The Kingdom of Loathing has been around for over nine years already–the Level 12 Disco Bandit I made sometime back in 2003 is still lurking somewhere on the KOL servers…